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"Shredding Paper" is a quarterly zine focusing on all forms of underground DIY music from punk to indiepop. SP has excellent international distribution, and can be easily found in the U.S. at any Borders Books, Virgin Records, or Tower Records. "Shredding Paper" is a fanzine in the truest sense of the word. Each issue is packed with cool features including the exclusive Shredding Paper indie record chart, and columns, including Jimmy Possession's coverage of the UK Beat. Issue #2 of SP is out, with an 18 page interview with Penelope Houston who discusses the Avengers fascinating career. Also 43 more pages of reviews of all the latest cool indie underground records that 99% of music fans don't have a clue about, a humorous feature on records found in thrift shops, an interview with Residents spokesperson Homer Flynn, and an interview with Axxel Reese of the seminal L.A. punk bands, Gears and D.I. The back cover of SP #2 is a parody of the once popular punkzine Maximum Rock n' Roll.